My first attempt at making Sourdough Ciabatta. I found it quite fun and easier than making an Open Crumb Sourdough Bread. The crumb didn't turn out to be as big as I would have liked. It could be something with the hydration of the dough or maybe the method I used. However, the bread is very tasty and this reminds me of the Ciabatta we used to buy at one of the local bakery shops near our place. The texture is very soft and I can barely taste the sourness. I made Ciabatta before using instant yeast but this Sourdough Ciabatta tastes so much better!
This recipe is adapted from Sourdough & Olives with modifications.
If you have any questions regarding this recipe or any other post, please leave me a comment in the “LEAVE A COMMENT” link and I will reply you as soon as possible.
Sourdough Ciabatta Recipe Yields: 2 Loaves (10" X 5")
Total flour: 397.5g Total hydration: 77%
Poolish (245g): 35g sourdough starter 105g bread flour 105g water
Ciabatta Dough: 275g bread flour (I used Japanese high gluten flour) 182g water 8g salt 10g olive oil
Poolish: Mix all of the ingredients for Poolish. Cover and leave for a maximum of 12 hours or when tripled in size at room temperature. I prepared the night before and used it the next morning. I let it sit in an air-conditioned room as I live in tropical country.
Ciabatta Dough: In a stand mixer bowl, add in 245g of poolish and 182g water, mix well. Then add in flour, salt and olive oil. Mix with paddle attachment for about 5 - 6 minutes at medium speed until the dough turns smooth, comes together and away from the sides of the bowl. Transfer the dough into a greased dish. Slightly fold the dough four times. Cover and rest for 30 minutes at room temperature. Stretch and Fold #1 - rest for 30 minutes. Stretch and Fold #2 - rest for 60 minutes. Stretch and Fold #3 - rest for 60 minutes. Preparing the couche - Cut 2 parchment papers with the size of 12" X 9". Place on top of the couche. After 60 minutes, the dough would have risen. Transfer to a heavy floured counter top. Dust the dough with some flour and try to shape the dough into a square shape with a scrapper and cut into 2 equal portions. Transfer dough to the prepared couche with scrapper. Cover with kitchen towel and let the dough proof for another 60 minutes. Preheat the oven together with the baking tray inside to 250C 10 minutes before baking. Transfer the dough onto the hot baking tray with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven with steam for 18 - 25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove bread from oven. Let it cool on rack completely before slicing. How to create steam in oven:
Preheat a pan in oven. Slide the dough onto the preheated baking tray and then pour some boiling water into a preheated pan on the shelf below. Then spray water on the walls of oven and on the dough. #Breads-OthersSourdoughBakings