News — 17
30 Of The Best Organizing Hacks From People Who Know What They’re Doing
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If you’re like me, you spend half the day on a mission to find the second missing sock, torturing your family members with never-ending "have you seen" questions about this and that, trapping yourself in the eternal "lost and found" limbo. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way, so bear with us. Bored Panda has compiled a list full of practical and super simple ideas that will give your home (and soul) some much-needed order. From making an "eat me first" bin in your fridge to making a magnetic organizer for your makeup to mount on...
40 Times People Had No Idea What They Were Looking At, But The Internet Knew What It Was Right Away (New Pics)
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All things have a purpose and function. However, some objects are so peculiar, so strange, and so weird that it takes amateur detectives and internet occultists to decipher their meaning. The ‘What Is This Thing’ subreddit is a treasure trove of everyday artifacts whose purpose was lost to the world… until Reddit’s resident Sherlock Holmeses took a look at them and explained exactly what people were looking at. We’ve collected some of the best examples of odd things, so scroll down, have a look, have a read, and upvote your faves. Let us know in the comments if you learned...
98 Times People Had No Idea What They Were Looking At, But The Internet Knew What It Was Right Away (New Pics)
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All things have a purpose and function. However, some objects are so peculiar, so strange, and so weird that it takes amateur detectives and internet occultists to decipher their meaning. The ‘What Is This Thing’ subreddit is a treasure trove of everyday artifacts whose purpose was lost to the world… until Reddit’s resident Sherlock Holmeses took a look at them and explained exactly what people were looking at. We’ve collected some of the best examples of odd things, so scroll down, have a look, have a read, and upvote your faves. Let us know in the comments if you learned...
My 22 Goals for 2019
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Goal #1 — Spend More Time Doing What I Love It was another great week here in New England. Miss Lucy got plenty of walks in {the woods, the beach and around town} and we are starting to feel a little more settled. I’d say about 80%-85% of the boxes have been unpacked and now it’s just a matter of tackling a long list of {pretty simple} projects to make this place feel like our own. Goal #2 — Garden, Garden, Garden Last week we dug a new flower border and planted 900 spring flower bulbs {400 tulip and 500...