News — Italian
Long time readers know that at least once a year, around Columbus Day, we feature an Italian-American dish
Baked Italian Pasta PrimiPiatti

And here’s one— Stuffed Shells —that, though it wasn’t part of my upbringing, has a special place in the heart (and palates) of many Italian-Americans. As prepared here in the US, Stuffed Shells are, if anything, lighter than their continental Italian counterpart, conchiglioni ripieni al forno. The pasta called conchiglioni, usually marketed as “jumbo shells” here in the US, are filled with a ricotta cream enriched with mozzarella, napped with a simple marinara sauce and topped with a generous sprinkling of Parmesan before being baked in a hot oven. The taste and texture of Stuffed Shells is vaguely reminiscent of...