News — BestNaturalHairCareProducts
What we put on the heads of our little ones matters just as much as what we put on their bodies
BestNaturalHairCareProducts BestOrganicHairCareProductsForKids FamilyLife GreenGoods GreenLiving

But when it comes to the best natural hair care products for kids, let’s just face it: there’s a lot of greenwashing out there. It’s sad, really, because in all the products you’d think there’d be a conscience in, it would be those made for little ones. Still, more products than ever are jumping on the ‘natural’ bandwagon because they know there’s tons of money in it. And yes, that’s thanks to mamas like us who tell companies that we want better for our babies with the dollars they’re so fond of making. Greenwashing For Greed In 1986, environmentalist Jay...