News — ExpertAdvice
Expert Advice: 7 Oft-Neglected Storage Needs to Consider Before Remodeling Your Kitchen
ExpertAdvice HomeImprovement KitchenPantry KitchenStorage Uncategorized

A couple weeks ago, Margot wrote about the joys of visiting her old friend Laura Jones in her beautifully renovated home in England. (See Kitchen of the Week: A ‘Dreamiest Dream Kitchen’ in Yorkshire, England for the must-read.) Laura’s Regency-style house is large—and fittingly, so is the kitchen she and her husband, Richard, designed for their family. But despite the generous size (the kitchen alone could quite possibly fit the entirety of the NYC apartment Margot and Laura once shared as twentysomethings), the couple still had to be clever and thoughtful in planning their kitchen storage needs. Above: When you...
5 Expert Tips: How to Clean Your Woolens
BeddingStorage CleaningProducts ExpertAdvice NotReviewed WeekendProject

Fall is the time to swap out lighter-weight bedding and welcome back woolens. But before you do, you may want to consider freshening up your wool blankets. How to do it properly? We posed the question to Kellen Tucker, owner of Sharktooth, a Brooklyn store specializing in vintage blankets, textiles, and rugs. For the past decade, she says, she’s been conducting her own lengthy experiments in fabric care. “When clients ask how to wash wool,” she says, “my impulse is to say, ‘Please don’t.’ Wool is an incredibly resilient fiber, but it requires the gentlest handling in water and is often...