News — Holidays
Making Smoked Boneless Leg of Lamb is as easy as seasoning the lamb and smoking to the right internal temperature
Food FoodAndDrink FoodAndWinePairing Holidays vindulge Wine

And with good quality lamb you’ll find the flavor amazing and tender. [feast_advanced_jump_to] Many of us grew up with some preconceived notions of lamb meat. If you were anything like us, your experience with lamb likely involved some kind of strongly flavored mint sauce to drown the meat in. And that lamb may likely have tasted very gamey and was probably overcooked (which is why it may have benefited from the mint sauce, to mask the flavor). What we have learned is that good lamb is actually quite tender and delicious and rarely has the gamy flavor that we grew...
Roasted poblano peppers and crushed tortilla chips create these unique and flavorful Tex-Mex Meatballs in Red Chile Sauce
CincoDeMayo ComfortFood GameDay Holidays MainDish

A fun twist on meatballs and an unforgettable meal! There was zero conversation and lots of “mmm-yummy” noises happening when I served these Tex-Mex Meatball bowls for dinner. I saw the meatball recipe on Southern Living, tweaked it a bit, and friends, they are crazy-good! I hope I can convince you to give these a try. Whoever you feed will be eternally grateful. Don’t be scared away by the beautiful, complex look of this dish. The meatballs are quite easy to prepare and the sauce is created in nothing flat. I served the saucy meatballs over rice with roasted sweet...