News — FreezerMeal
Freezer-friendly lunch wraps are nutritious, hearty, and completely adaptable to whatever your family might like in them!
2 Easy FreezerMeal Kid Recipe tastyrecipes WholeWheatTortillas

Right now during this time of quarantine, I know many of you are right where I’m at–trying to keep up with work, homeschooling your kids, feeding your family three meals/day, and trying not to gain the ‘Rona 15. Meals have to be simple and something your kids won’t groan about. A bonus is if it’s cheap and healthy, too. Make Ahead Lunch Wraps to the rescue, my friends. These Lunch Wraps were a staple in my Freezer Club many years ago and make for a healthy and quick lunch or dinner when you’re hanging by a thread. Why Make Freezer-Friendly...