News — FiveFrugalThings
I have a collection of not-that-impressive things to share with you today!

But hey, over time, small savings do add up too. You can get big wins AND small wins working together. 1. I used Sonia’s work discount I found some cotton bath towels at her store for a good price and since Sonia was with me, I was able to use her work discount. Even 10% counts as something! Also: a fresh new towel is an inexpensive way to make your everyday experience feel more luxurious. 2. I hit the clearance shelf at Sprouts Whenever I stop at grocery stores, I always take a peek at the clearance rack. I can’t...
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See my disclosure policy here. 1. I mended a camp chair bag. When we packed for camping last weekend, we discovered that one of our camp chair bags had a big hole in the side. So, when we unpacked, I set it aside for mending (if I put it back in the shed, I knew I would NOT get around to mending it.) It took just a minute to sew up the side, and I reinforced a few other fraying spots while I had the machine out. 2. I mended a kitchen towel. This mending-a-kitchen-towel-thing has been in my five...