News — Food
Easy & Delicious Homemade Bread
Fall Food Jalape TheBestBread Winter

I love bread and have been experimenting making homemade bread for the past year. But I was discouraged multiple times, when it just seemed inconsistent and some just too dense. So I’m happy to say, I have mastered an easy recipe that has been consistently perfect every time! Ingredients 1 1/2 cups warm water 2 1/4 tsp yeast 1/2 tbs salt 3 1/4 cups flour Directions First add the water, yeast and salt to a mixing bowl. Mix until the yeast and salt is dissolved. Once dissolved add the flour and stir until evenly mixed. I use my kitchen aid...
High Country Baking: Oat scone

s These wholesome, whole-grain scones flavored with raisins and cinnamon make the morning special. Photo by Vera Dawson / High Country Baking The holidays are over. It’s time for simpler meals, but we still want foods that make coming to the table pleasurable. So I made these oat scones for breakfast. Wholesome, whole-grain goodness, flavored with raisins and cinnamon and boasting a light, tender crumb, they make the morning special. These scones aren’t the type the Brits nibble at afternoon tea. Made without eggs or heavy cream, these aren’t as rich. They’re more like a sweetened biscuit than scones with...
Oh, do I love my tater
2wanderingheartskitchen BakeAPotato BakedPotato Baking Food morecoffeeplease oops ovencleaning potatoes potatoexplosion Tips whenapotatoexplodes

s. Think of me as Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings: "Po-ta-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew." Of all the potatoes, I may love the humble, yet great baked potato the most. A perfect baked potato has crispy skin, a soft and fluffy interior, and is the perfect vehicle for the toppings of your choice. Cheddar cheese, green onions, and sour cream? That is one classic baked potato. Going picnic style with pulled pork and BBQ sauce? No problem! Want to feel healthy with broccoli, Greek yogurt, and salsa? You go, girl! The point is,...
Making Smoked Boneless Leg of Lamb is as easy as seasoning the lamb and smoking to the right internal temperature
Food FoodAndDrink FoodAndWinePairing Holidays vindulge Wine

And with good quality lamb you’ll find the flavor amazing and tender. [feast_advanced_jump_to] Many of us grew up with some preconceived notions of lamb meat. If you were anything like us, your experience with lamb likely involved some kind of strongly flavored mint sauce to drown the meat in. And that lamb may likely have tasted very gamey and was probably overcooked (which is why it may have benefited from the mint sauce, to mask the flavor). What we have learned is that good lamb is actually quite tender and delicious and rarely has the gamy flavor that we grew...
Pro Chefs Share The Most Common Mistakes That We, Amateurs, Make (30 Pics)
10Using 11Now 12 13If 14 15Don 16 17Pressing 18After 19 1The 20 21A 22I 23So 24You 25Underseason 26 27DON 28When 29 2Clean 30Always 3Taste 4Pastry 5SLOW 6My 7Not 8If 9One BakingAdvice CookingPitfalls Food ProCooksTeachAmateurs ProfessionalChefsShareCommonMistakes

Eating is loads of fun, but in order to do that, you’ve got to get off the couch and cook (let’s pretend that ordering pizza isn’t an option). The good news is that cooking can be incredibly enjoyable and it will put your creativity and dexterity to the test. The bad news is, watching Gordon Ramsay shout at amateur cooks for the 100th time on YouTube won’t make you a brilliant chef if you don’t hone your skills like a cuisine samurai. Luckily, the internet is full of helpful professionals. These cooks are sharing some of their wisdom with amateurs...