Being Organized and Prepared For A Family Emergency


Family emergencies strike unfortunately routinely, from a broken arm to a heart attack. Family health crises are among the most stressful for all of us.   The best way to face an emergency is by being organized and prepared.  Your lists will be what you rely on for information. These preparations can help you create the best plan prior to when an emergency happens.


Your Medical Health List

Each doctor you meet requests a list of health challenges, presciptions and supplments.  Make this list easy to access by keeping it digitally in your Notes app, Evernote, or other smart phone app. The list can be shared with a family member in case of emergency.  For health challenges, list the year and what happened (surgery, treatment).  For presciptions and supplements, list the item, what that is treating, and the dosage. If you have a paper list, you can take a photo to keep in your phone as well.


Your Medical Plan and Doctor List

With frequent changes to medical plans and doctors, keep a list of your specialists, their phone numbers and their specialty in your smart phone contacts.  Track your annual visits by making appointments that coincide with a birthday, a season (fall, winter, spring summer) or another significant milestone to remind you.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in keeping on track with annual visits to medical and dental professionals.   Your own health care is as important as those in your family.


Ongoing health concerns

Organizing your medical records is an important step for chronic illness. Keep a notebook to bring to your doctor’s office to keep current discussions and treatments.  You will want to refer to this regularly with notes and updates.  Organize your medical history in a file folder, by doctor or illness.


Organizing your medications is one part of your ongoing health concerns. Fill day of the week, time of day pill organizers and set alarms to remind you to take medication. Place pills at the point of where they are taken, such as by your bed in the evening or in the kitchen for morning.


When it comes to the many facets of an ongoing illness, share responsibility with family members.  When my mom faced her illness, my responsibility was health care and my sister took on financial responsibilities. Confer weekly on these responsibilities so everyone is up to date.  You can also create a google sheet to share information with family. Coordination is key to family communication.


Support for you and your family

Be ready for ongoing support for yourself and your self care. Friends and family will ask how they can help and be sure to give everyone a small responsibility. It can include setting up a Care Calendar for meals and transportation. Having someone attend the appointments can be helpful in capturing notes and keeping strong during the treatments. That support can be as small as dropping off a gallon of milk to being a listener when you are sad, anxious and afraid.


Take good care of yourself with good sleep and good nutrition. Get in bed on time and eat regular, balanced meals.  It’s easy to get off track with both of these during a crisis.


Family emergencies are part of life transitions. We age and life happens. Our family ages and abilities diminish.  Be organized and prepared to meet these transitions with positive actions.

Someone Made a Single $1 Billion Bitcoin Transaction and No One Knows Why

In one transaction last week someone mysteriously moved over $1 billion ($1,018,147,900 to be precise), or 94,505 bitcoins. A lot of people would like to know just who did it and why.

Whale Alert is a Twitter account devoted to tracking huge cryptocurrency deals and they tweeted out the first news about it.

Mutual transactions in bitcoin are recorded in a digital ledger and can be seen by anyone who knows where to find them. Where actual accounts are concerned, anonymity is the name of the game, so that's why we're aware the move happened but don't know who pulled the trigger.

An assessment did reveal that nearly 30 percent of the currency came from Huobi Global, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange. The transaction could have been a Huobi customer making a large withdrawal or even the company itself dumping several deposits into one big digital vault.

Tech Times reports that this may have been the largest transaction of its kind:

The transaction appears to be the largest transaction in bitcoin terms. In 2013, someone moved 194,993 bitcoins in one transaction. Bitcoins, however, were less valuable back then so the move was valued at only around $150 million.

Two years earlier in 2011, a single transaction moved 550,000 bitcoin, but since bitcoins were only worth around $3 at the time, the transaction was valued at just $1.5 million.

What does it mean, though? Why the fuss? For one thing, Coindesk reports it raised "bitcoin’s price from $10,569 to $10,790." 

For another, the very nature of Bitcoin is that it is secretive. Anonymous and untrackable (supposedly) dealings between two parties marked only by a digital ID. It's hard for some to believe there's a positive, altruistic reason for that much money to go shifting through the cryptosphere. Secret money for secret things—or straight-up fraud, as this Decrypt article suggested regarding previous huge transactions by asking if they were part of a "Chinese Ponzi scheme.".

For now, those who monitor Bitcoin and the murky world of cryptocurrency seem to be on alert for another shoe to drop, whatever that means. 

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