When nothing seems affordable, this $1.22 batch of bread rises to challenge the cost of living

All we seem to hear right now is that the cost of living is rising out of control. Inflation is killing us. The gas price is hitting heights we’ve never had to deal with before.

This recipe may not chop down the inflated cost of housing, but we all must eat. Here’s how we get a batch of three delicious loaves of sourdough bread at the Wood-stein.ca headquarters for about $1.22.

Ingredients for the entire recipe

See notes in part one for whole rye flour, room temperature water and sourdough starter or use one to two cups of starter. It’s up to you.

Six cups all purposed flour

Three cups warm tap water

One-quarter teaspoon instant yeast

Two teaspoons salt

The timelines used in the recipe are just loose guidelines. If you can, use the times here, but go ahead and adjust them to suit your schedule. Bread making is a very fluid process. Have fun.

Part One – 3:05 pm


Equal amounts of whole rye flour (all-purpose flour can be substituted), room temperature water and sourdough starter (see the video to explain the amount needed).


Measure 50 to 75 grams of sourdough starter into a large bowl; glass is best if possible.

Measure in the same amount of room temperature water and mix well.

Then add in an equal amount of rye flour and mix again.

Cover the bowl with a clean, wet towel and let rest.

Part two – 9:08 pm


Six cups all-purpose flour

Three cups warm tap water

One-quarter teaspoon instant yeast

Two teaspoons salt


Please remember to mix well after each ingredient is added.

Add two cups of warm tap water.

Add one-quarter teaspoon instant yeast.

Add three cups of flour.

Add one cup of warm tap water.

Add two teaspoons salt.

Add final three cups of flour and mix well.

Cover with a clean, wet towel and let the dough rest.

Part three – 7:14 am


All-purpose flour for the counter

Oil for bowls


Wet hands.

Scoop alongside under your dough and pull it up tall.

Wiggle the dough and replace it on top.

Repeat this approximately eight times.

Flour the counter and roll dough onto it.

Use oil to grease the bowl(s) you will be using. See the video to determine the number of bowls you will need.

Cover with a clean, wet towel and let rest.

Part four 1:56 pm (but it probably could have been done at 11:30 am)


Place bakeware with lids into a COLD oven.

Set the temperature to 450 degrees and the timer to 30 minutes.

When the timer goes off, remove bakeware from the oven. Be careful. It will be hot.

Place dough in hot bakeware, cover and return to oven. Set the timer for 30 minutes.

When the timer goes off, remove the lid and bake for another 15 minutes to brown the top.

Remove the bread to a cooling rack. For a softer crust, coat the top with butter.

Let the bread cool before slicing and enjoy.

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