News — Tips
Oven racks can get pretty messy and people tend to not use the self-cleaning oven feature on them because you can strip them of their chrome
DIYIdeasAndCraftsForWomen Kitchen ProjectIdeas Tips TipsAndHacks

Many of us love vintage appliances, or maybe you just love your old stove so there is a need to know how to clean a stove that is not a self-cleaning newer model. When I found this awesome oven rack cleaning hack video tutorial by Andrea Jean Cleaning, on YouTube, I was so happy to know how to efficiently clean my oven racks. This is a wonderful method of cleaning, and so easy. One thing That I earned from this amazing video, is that if you buy a new self-cleaning oven, you are only supposed to use the self-cleaning function....
17 Makeup Organizers And Storage Ideas For Makeup Junkie

s Declutter your vanity or bathroom with these brilliant, cheap, and easy-to-make makeup organizers perfect for your lipsticks, palettes, and brushes! RELATED: 13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage Makeup Organizers and Vanity Storage Solutions You’ll Love Declutter with These Brilliant Ideas for Makeup Organizers These creative and easy-to-find makeup organizers will give your lipsticks, eyeshadow quads, palettes, and pots an awesome home! Buy them cheap or make your own − your call. Here’s a question: Can you find your favorite lipstick for me? If you can’t recall, then it’s time to declutter your vanity and use makeup organizers. We have...
Oh, do I love my tater
2wanderingheartskitchen BakeAPotato BakedPotato Baking Food morecoffeeplease oops ovencleaning potatoes potatoexplosion Tips whenapotatoexplodes

s. Think of me as Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings: "Po-ta-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew." Of all the potatoes, I may love the humble, yet great baked potato the most. A perfect baked potato has crispy skin, a soft and fluffy interior, and is the perfect vehicle for the toppings of your choice. Cheddar cheese, green onions, and sour cream? That is one classic baked potato. Going picnic style with pulled pork and BBQ sauce? No problem! Want to feel healthy with broccoli, Greek yogurt, and salsa? You go, girl! The point is,...
My kitchen tour, let’s take a sneak peak at my kitchen, where I take your through my kitchen.
Kitchen KitchenTour RECENTPOSTS SingaporeHdbKitchen TIPS

Right, kitchen tour was in the plans for more than a year now. When I renovated my kitchen early last year, I was so tempted to do a kitchen tour. But it took a lot of time for me to settle. Not a great organizer myself, so took help from Vj, especially for the storages. Since I am in Singapore, got most of the things in Ikea and online shopping. We don’t carry much from India, so tried to get as much as possible locally. I had plans to buy few more stuffs from India but this year since we...
Tips for Clean Kitchen Counters

Everyone wants a kitchen with clean counters that will surely serve us in many ways. It’s not just about the sharpness and order, but empty counters allow us to have more cooking space. Minimal counter clutter also means fewer items to clean because you can wipe counters easily—so cleared-off counters also tend to be clean and healthy counters, too. The more you can get off of your counters and stored elsewhere, the better. Lose all the items you don’t need and put everything in place after you finished using it. Here are some practical and creative ways that will help...