News — potatoexplosion
Oh, do I love my tater
2wanderingheartskitchen BakeAPotato BakedPotato Baking Food morecoffeeplease oops ovencleaning potatoes potatoexplosion Tips whenapotatoexplodes

s. Think of me as Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings: "Po-ta-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew." Of all the potatoes, I may love the humble, yet great baked potato the most. A perfect baked potato has crispy skin, a soft and fluffy interior, and is the perfect vehicle for the toppings of your choice. Cheddar cheese, green onions, and sour cream? That is one classic baked potato. Going picnic style with pulled pork and BBQ sauce? No problem! Want to feel healthy with broccoli, Greek yogurt, and salsa? You go, girl! The point is,...